Sorry I don't have any pictures of the new place yet, but here are a few pics of Brooks from the last few weeks. I'll post some pictures of the duplex and the new store soon. We take over Aug 2! Brooks is adjusting well and has slept through the night ever since we've moved! We even upgraded him out of his napper and into his big boy crib last night and he slept great! He also loves his bear as you can see him talking to it. He likes pulling it on top of himself and of course putting it in his mouth too. :) Here's a picture of Brooks and his Burgess cousins when they came to babysit for a few days...
Blake he got so big so quick - I mean I know it happens, but wow! Goodluck getting thing put together :-) Loved seeing an update!
Sleeping thru the nite, yippeee! It gives new meaning to the slogan, Nebraska: The Good Life ;)
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